Bailey is discovering what it means to be "grounded." I won't go into details, but let's just say she had a colossal meltdown in a rather large medical clinic. Lots of witnesses. Lots of screaming. Lots of threats made by me which I'm not proud of. The whole "event" is definitely at the very tip-top of my most embarrassing moments as a parent. I was so furious that I swear I could feel my blood boiling. We managed to get out of there and into the car but it wasn't easy. Bailey was sent directly to her room after I stomped around gathering up any electronic device that might possible entertain her. I waited until Miles got home to make a final decision about punishment, and he was definitely the voice of reason. Of course he didn't have to drag a screaming, kicking 6 year old out of a full clinic while also carrying a crying toddler. I was considering taking her IPad for myself and selling off everything else she owns. Anyway, we decided on one week of solitary confinement (directly to her room after school with no electronics and only coming out to eat supper) followed by 3 more weeks of grounding from TV, electronics, and playdates. It might sound a bit harsh, but I am hoping to really hit it hard this time so that we don't have to do this again. Ever. I also decided an apology was in order for the clinic. Bailey had to write out two apology notes and deliver them to the front office staff and the pediatric area. They were very well received, and I am so proud of her.